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2024年10月06日 14:28


If you're looking for recommendations for non-romantic novels that are emotionally intense, here are a few options:
1. "東宮" (Eastern Palace): This novel tells the story of Xiaofeng and Li Chengyin, who face numerous challenges and hardships in their relationship. Their love is filled with challenges and sacrifices, but they are determined to stay together. 2. "百里長安" (A Hundred Miles of Chang'an): This novel depicts a tragic love story that spans three lifetimes. Each lifetime begins with a tragedy and ends in tragedy. The male and female leads are entangled in a cycle of love and loss, but they never have a happy ending. 3. "胭脂債" (The Debt of Rouge): This novel tells a heart-wrenching ancient love story of love and betrayal. The female lead is skilled in martial arts and looks young, but her life is filled with pain and sacrifice. Please note that these recommended novels may contain some heart-wrenching plots, but they do not involve melodramatic storylines.
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