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2024年10月09日 09:24


Here are some recommended romance novels with wedding plots:
1. "契約嬌妻你別跑" by 顧筱玖: This modern romance novel tells the story of a contract marriage and the love that develops between the two main characters. 2. "花間" by 蘭思思: This modern romance novel follows the female protagonist as she investigates her sister's death and ends up in a marriage contract with her enemy. 3. "欠你一場盛世婚禮" by 三羊開泰: This novel revolves around a wedding without flowers, wedding gowns, or blessings, but with only two marriage certificates in a hospital room. The male protagonist wakes up from a coma and finds himself trapped in a complicated situation. 4. "幸而春信至" by 貍子小姐: This contemporary novel tells the story of a male protagonist who has been pursuing the female protagonist for years. After an unexpected pregnancy, they decide to get married. 5. "一秒淪陷" by 姜之魚: This novel follows the story of a couple who enter into a marriage with the goal of appeasing their families. Over time, they develop a deep bond and embark on a sweet and humorous journey of love. Please note that these recommendations are based on the provided search results and may not represent an exhaustive list of all available novels in this genre.
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